When it comes to creating an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for a student with dyslexia, setting clear and achievable goals is crucial to their academic success. One of the most effective methods for goal-setting in an IEP is to use the SMART framework. SMART goals help ensure that the student's progress is measurable, specific, and tailored to their needs. However, not all goals meet these standards, and it’s essential for parents and educators to recognize the difference. Let’s dive into what SMART goals are, how they can be applied to an IEP for dyslexia, and what to do if the goals aren't meeting the SMART criteria.

What Are SMART Goals?

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. When applied to an IEP, SMART goals help create a roadmap that supports the child’s educational growth in a clear, structured way. Here’s how each component of a SMART goal works in the context of dyslexia:

  • Specific: The goal should clearly define the skill or area that the student needs to improve. For example, “improving reading fluency” is too broad. A specific goal would be, “The student will improve their ability to decode multisyllabic words using phonics strategies.”

  • Measurable: The goal must include a way to measure progress. How will we know the student has met the goal? For example, “The student will correctly decode 80% of multisyllabic words during reading assessments.”

  • Achievable: The goal should be realistic based on the student's abilities and current performance level. While high expectations are important, setting unrealistic goals can lead to frustration. Ensure the goal is challenging yet within reach.

  • Relevant: The goal should directly address the student’s needs related to their dyslexia. For instance, a goal to improve math fluency would not be relevant if the primary challenge is reading fluency and comprehension.

  • Time-bound: The goal should have a clear deadline or timeframe. For example, “The student will meet the goal by the end of the semester” or “within six months of IEP implementation.”

What SMART Goals Are Not

SMART goals should not be vague, immeasurable, or irrelevant to the student’s specific learning needs. Here are examples of what a non-SMART goal might look like in an IEP for dyslexia:

  • Non-specific: “The student will become a better reader.” This goal lacks focus and doesn’t pinpoint which reading skills need to improve, such as decoding, fluency, or comprehension.

  • Not measurable: “The student will read at grade level.” There’s no clear way to measure how or when this goal will be achieved, and it’s not tailored to the student’s current abilities.

  • Unachievable: “The student will read 100% of grade-level texts fluently within a month.” This may not be realistic for a student who is just starting to receive targeted reading interventions.

  • Irrelevant: A goal that focuses on non-reading skills, such as “improving handwriting,” may not be relevant to a student whose main challenges stem from dyslexia and reading comprehension.

  • Not time-bound: “The student will improve their reading skills eventually.” Without a clear timeframe, it’s difficult to monitor progress or hold the IEP team accountable.

What to Do If IEP Goals Aren’t SMART

If you notice that your child’s IEP contains goals that don’t follow the SMART framework, it’s important to take action. Here are steps to ensure the goals are appropriately adjusted:

  • Request a Meeting with the IEP Team: Schedule a meeting to discuss the goals and why they aren’t working for your child. Explain the importance of SMART goals and how they can better support your child’s progress.

  • Be Prepared to Offer Suggestions: Bring examples of SMART goals that align with your child’s needs. For instance, if your child struggles with decoding, suggest a goal like, “The student will accurately decode 85% of words using phonetic strategies during weekly reading sessions by the end of the quarter.”

  • Ask for Data: If the goals are not measurable, request baseline data on your child’s current abilities. This data will help create more specific, achievable goals that reflect where your child is starting and where they need to go.

  • Ensure Goals are Relevant: Make sure the goals directly address the areas impacted by dyslexia, such as phonemic awareness, decoding, reading fluency, and comprehension.

  • Review Progress Regularly: Check in periodically with the IEP team to review your child’s progress. If the goals are not being met, revisit them and adjust as needed. Sometimes, goals need to be modified mid-year to reflect the child’s growth or to address unforeseen challenges.

Examples of SMART Goals for Dyslexia in an IEP

  • Specific: “By the end of the semester, the student will improve their ability to decode 3rd-grade level words by correctly reading 75% of words during weekly fluency assessments.”

  • Measurable: “The student will increase reading comprehension from 50% to 70% accuracy on grade-level passages during bi-weekly assessments.”

  • Achievable: “Within six months, the student will use phonemic strategies to read aloud 90% of unfamiliar words during classroom reading activities.”

  • Relevant: “The student will improve their spelling accuracy from 60% to 80% by using multisensory techniques such as tracing and spelling out loud during daily reading interventions.”

  • Time-bound: “The student will reach this goal by the end of the second grading period.”

Setting SMART goals in an IEP ensures that the educational plan is tailored, achievable, and clear for both the student and the educators. For students with dyslexia, this kind of goal-setting is essential to track progress, address specific challenges, and ensure that interventions are effective. When goals aren't SMART, the student can fall behind, and the support may not be as targeted or effective as it should be. As a parent, knowing how to advocate for SMART goals in your child’s IEP can make a significant difference in their educational journey. If you notice the goals are too vague, unrealistic, or irrelevant, don’t hesitate to step in and request adjustments. Your involvement helps ensure your child is getting the best support possible on their path to success!


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